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Lloyd, Dayle & Terri
Lloyd, Dayle & Terri

Certified Demeter Bio-Dynamic:

Cereal rye, Cereal straw, Feed Barley. Hard wheat, Hay/sileage, live sheep, Milling Oats, Naked Barley, Noodle Wheat, Pasture, Soft wheat, straw (mixed cereal), Wool

This Operator is certified to the:

a) Australian Demeter Bio-Dynamic Standard

b) National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce

phone: 0428 634 063


Ronville Stud & Jindalee 55/125 Gate Rd, 6350

Dumbleyung, Western-Australia, Australia

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The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) is an Australian Government approved organic certification organisation.
© 2022 Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI)
Website Design: Nimbus Design